FrankVanPelt's Artist's World of Wampeters, RingWorlds, and Ducks

Well, it's that time of year again -- the Dallas International Film Festival.

And for those of us living on the fringe (who also happen to be artists and such)...
Just more derpressing (no, i'm not *still* bitter about last year - ie, being in a film, and only *by accident* finding out that it had been entered - and of course then then even worse finding out that i couldn't even get in to see it (for free natch). I did eventually get a copy of it on DVD - worst case of editing i've ever seen (well not the worst - i still hold that honor in my under-grad days ;) - no chapters, and sure enough when it got to (err, ahm) my lines the DVD skipped back to the beginning. People! Please use "deep-dish" burners and DVD's - those #$@!! scalliwags are still sellting stuff that won't burn properly (and worse yet the film distr's are using them for main stream). Don't get me started about the shallowness of the Matrix pool at this end of the consumer market.

So, it's (the film festival, rememberig Dahlink?) $10 per showing, and between $100 to $750 for a pass to all of the films. Sheesh and i havent' even bought canned milk yet! So, i guess we all have to choose between gasoline (even the film-mobile needs to be fed!!! - woe is me ;(,  Oh, well too busy to see a movie right now anyway -- mainly the class that i'm (still) trying to get going is *slowly* taking off; art 101 at the abcbh clinic. Art heals (but of course it can also destroy) - hmmm, hopefully it will be an agent of change.

- frank
  emule:   frankvanpelt AT techie  DOT com