FrankVanPelt's Artist's World of Wampeters, RingWorlds, and Ducks

Working on what i can - try creating art with ZERO income. I get a bit
here and there - spent the last $1 on a couple of paperbacks and a
stamp so i can write my kids.

Anyway, i'm 90% the way to getting my ID (because i had some outsatnding
traffic ticket - actually just the "surcharge") i can only get a texas ID and
not a driver's license - which i'm ok with entirely. I got my "Stewpot ID"
which is run by the presby church down town - really nice folks; i met
the art teacher there and signed up, but never seem to have time to
get down there. -- i'm still working my notebooks natch and at
least sketching some art projects and theatre/absurdist stuff as

As far as Q/T (Quantum Thinking) and such, i'm mainly concentrating
on going back to how we use science and such to understand the
world -- mainly how we make assumptions that preclude the
quantum, fractal, chaotic, catastrophic-theory, etc nature of the
world since it's really THAT and not some simple linear equation
of it.

I *finally* got to see "Pan's Labyrinth" (absolutely superb!!!)-
- they had it on free-to-view on cable via the SunDance channel.
I've watched it probably 5 or 6 times and it; so superbly
beautiful that i can't believe it.

So, anyway, TEN MONTHS clean now (i still dream about drinking - but
not as often), they have me on a min-dose anti-depressant. I had
a long I/V (interview) w/the psychiatrist -- including where does
manic/depression, Attention Defficet, etc begin and where does
the artist spirit begin/end?  So, i'm happy with my meds (you
can see some people in the AA/NA groups (not actual AA or NA
but pretty much like them), you can see them pretty doped to
the gills. Hmmmm.

Anyway, to keep myself busy (not watching too much TV - mostly
at night since the other guys mainly want to watch sports. Now
Football and Baseball i can understand (actually i used to
play baseball when i was more ambulatory), but:  GOLF and
WRESTLING???? Oh, well as they say in Finland: Different
Trains for Different People.

Meanwhile, i'm *still* learning French for myself and of course
if i ever do decide to enter a traditional MFA program, i'd
probably have to pass a reading exam. I thought about Latin,
but then i mostly remember the grammar (Amo, Amas, Amat, and
all of that: That part is still up there in the old noodle,
but of course the VOCAB is always the problem. C'est la vie,
n'est pas?

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